Our Governance

Christ Centered, Spiritually Curious, Sent to Serve

Presbyterians believe that “God alone is Lord of the conscience”. Ours is not a church where the pastor could require specific beliefs or actions from the congregation. Instead we govern our churches in a specific way to help us understand what God requires. Presbyterians elect our pastors, and regularly elect men and women from the congregation to serve as elders (a group called the Session). These elders are tasked with leading the congregation and looking to God for guidance.

Together through prayer, deliberation, and transparent decision-making, Presbyterians seek to faithfully follow Jesus. It isn’t perfect! Sometimes we make mistakes and get important things wrong. But for nearly five hundred years we have stuck with this way of doing things because we believe that figuring out the will of God is too important to leave to one person. Here—and at Presbyterian churches around the world—we follow God together.

Our church is also served by deacons. The duty of deacons to minister to those who are in need, to the sick, to the friendless, and to any who may be in distress both within and beyond the community of faith.

Learn more about session and deacons on the pages below.