Adopt an Eco-Lifestyle

Make a Difference

The challenge of protecting our earth seems a heavy lift but if every individual, every family made every day changes, what a difference we could make.

Suggestions for turning your Home Green

  • Get an Energy Audit for your house to determine ways to increase its energy efficiency
  • When changing appliances consider water saving toilets and low flow faucets
  • Purchase Fair Trade coffee for home use
  • Follow tips in theĀ Guide to Green Shopping
  • Support coffee shops that purchase their coffee from shade grown, sustainable sources
  • Run dishwashers and laundry loads when they are full and be conscious of shower length
  • Eat a meatless meal once a week

If you have an outdoor space, make it environmentally friendly

  • Plant a carbon-capture tree (like a white oak or dogwood)
  • Add native plants which survive best in local soil and which best support local wildlife
  • Create a pollinator garden
  • Reduce chemicals in your lawn and landscaping
  • Water in the evening to avoid rapid evaporation or replace part of the lawn with native plants
The Lord God took the man and put him in the garden of Eden to till it and keep it.
Genesis 2:15